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Integrating with DoubleClick (DFP)
Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over 5 years ago

Although it is not the preferred ad tag implementation method, Mantis does support integrations with DoubleClick for publishers (DFP). Please keep in mind that when serving our ads through any third party, you lose some of the premium capabilities provided by the Mantis ad network such as being able to show multiple ad units in the same zone. 

Note: Our javascript library supports additional configuration options that will allow you to take advantage of DFP macro support.

How to integrate with DoubleClick (DFP) by Google

1. Setup Mantis as a company

Login to DFP and head to Admin > Companies and select New Company = Ad Network

2. Build creatives for each Mantis “Zone”

Navigate to Orders > Creatives > All Creatives, then click on the red button labeled Add creatives

Then choose advertiser Mantis (Ad network), as shown here:

Next, select Third party from the list of available creative options, as shown here:

For each creative you upload, you will need to add the DFP code provided in your admin account.

Be sure to select the matching ad unit size for the zone and choose “Serve into a SafeFrame” (failing to do so will cause CPM campaigns to stop showing). It should look similar to this:

3. Create a Mantis order

Navigate to Orders > All orders and select New order, as shown below:

Next, specify Mantis as the advertiser, include all inventory sizes you intend to serve (based on creatives you entered above), and choose Type = Network as shown below:

4. Assign creatives to the order

After creating the order, you must now assign creatives to it. By default, DFP will create the order with a single line item, choose/click it to view more details.

Once inside the line item, choose the creatives tab and select the use existing creatives option as shown below:

In the popup, select the creatives you entered earlier for each size.

5. Approve the order

After adding the creatives, head back up to the order (you can do this by selecting the order in the breadcrumbs) and hit Approve. If all is well, you should see the words Ready in orange next to the line item as shown below:

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