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Integrating via Prebid.js (header bidding)
Integrating via Prebid.js (header bidding)
Paris Holley avatar
Written by Paris Holley
Updated over 3 years ago

How to participate in header bidding with Mantis

Note: Prebid.JS is not enabled by default for publishers, please contact us if this is a feature you are interested in.

Bundling our Bidder

The Prebid.JS team has officially accepted our network into the project and supports inclusion through their BETA download feature.

Adding Mantis Bids

Our adapter is configured to make a single request for all bids across your page to reduce latency and optimize ad fill for earnings. Here is an example of a bid configuration for our network:

var adUnits = [
        code: 'code-1',
        sizes: [[300, 250], [300, 600]],
        bids: [
                bidder: 'mantis',
                sizes: [[300, 250], [300, 600]],
                params: {property: 'demo'}

The only requirement we have is that you pass your property id, the rest should just work. You can use the “demo” property for testing, which will show live campaigns but not count any impressions or clicks.

Example Implementation

For a live view of the type of ads we display, check out this JSFiddle on how to wire up a simple implementation of Prebid.JS.

Keep in mind that campaigns shown in this demo are from live campaigns in our system (depending on your location, you may see house ads backfill due to geo-targeting) but clicks/impressions are not counted.


By default, our network will take into account visibility (i.e., 50% of the ad unit is seen for at least one second) post-bid when determining final earnings. If you rather have more consistent earnings, we can enable the ability to guarantee bids by adjusting the bid rate based on historic visibility scores. In order to enable that functionality, you will need to use a consistent “code” in your Prebid.JS configuration that matches a “zone” in our system. Without this, we are unable to properly track visibility by placement.

If your “code” parameter is not consistent (ie: uniquely generated per page), add another parameter to the “params” object called "zone" as shown below.

Note: You must have this zone configured in our backend to work. The configuration of the zone does not matter (ie: sizes), we just need to have an entry to record stats against.

var adUnits = [
        code: 'code-1',
        sizes: [[300, 250], [300, 600]],
        bids: [
                bidder: 'mantis',
                sizes: [[300, 250], [300, 600]],
                params: {property: 'demo', zone:'my-mantis-zone-id'}
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