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Refreshing ads
Paris Holley avatar
Written by Paris Holley
Updated over 5 years ago

If you work with a single page application or have some interactive content (such as a slideshow), you can refresh the ads to earn additional impressions.ย 

Important: Abuse of refreshing ads will result in the termination of your account.


Implementation 1: Global Refresh

You can simply add the attribute data-mantis-refresh to earmark them as refreshable by the javascript library. Being explicit about this is encouraged because if you refresh ads that are not in view, it will affect your CTR and prevent you from having a clear understanding of where and when to optimize.

<div data-mantis-zone="zone1" data-mantis-refresh="true"></div>

Executing the javascript function below will cause any div that has refresh=true to pull in a new ad.

mantis.push(['display', 'refresh']);


Implementation 2: Individual Refresh

Alternatively, you can refresh a single placement by providing the name of the zone.

<div data-mantis-zone="zone2"></div>

Executing the javascript function below will cause the div above to pull in a new ad.

mantis.push(['display', 'refresh', 'zone2']);
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