Agencies can control user permissions across multiple accounts
As the agency administrator, you can add or remove users from your agency account or advertisers at any time using the steps outlined below. You can also manage the permissions for each user, ensuring your team can all have access to Mantis without worrying about the wrong user touching settings or the specific advertiser you don't want them to touch.
Note: Only the primary account holder, and/or a user created by the administrator of the account, are permitted access to modify the users and user permissions for their account.
To add/remove users or edit user permissions at the Agency level:
Navigate to the Users tab in the left navigation
Click on the green “+Add User” button at the top right of the page
Enter the email address of the user you wish to add to the account in the modal prompt as shown below
Edit the permission(s) for this user and click the green “+Add User” button to confirm your selections
Note: To add/remove users or edit permissions for an advertiser that belongs to your agency account, simply select an advertiser from your Advertisers tab to manage and follow the same steps outlined above.