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Supported macros
Paris Holley avatar
Written by Paris Holley
Updated over a week ago

Macros can be used within any click URL, rich media creative, impression tracker URL or click tracker URL. The syntax for our macros are as follows:


Supported macros

Here are the macros Mantis currently supports:

{{MANTIS_CLICK}} = A URL to prepend to your destination URL that will allow our system to track clicks.

  • Note: Unless a member of our team has setup a rich media campaign for you, you should not need to use this.

{{MANTIS_CLICK_ENC}} = The same as MANTIS_CLICK except it is URL encoded
{{MANTIS_TIMESTAMP}} = The current date/time in timestamp format, used mostly for cache-busting.
{{MANTIS_AD}} = Internal MANTIS identifier for the ad in our system
{{MANTIS_CAMPAIGN}} = Internal MANTIS identifier for the campaign in our system
{{MANTIS_VIEW}} = A unique identifier we use for tracing clicks/impressions.
{{MANTIS_PROPERTY_ID}} = A unique identifier we use for the website/property/publisher where the ad was served.
{{MANTIS_PROPERTY_NAME}} = The name of the website/property/publisher where the ad was served.


Google Analytics

If you are looking to track clicks within google analytics, here is an example click URL you could use to breakdown each website within your stats:{{MANTIS_PROPERTY_NAME_ENC}}

Note: It is important to always use the encoded version of the macros when building your URLs like so:{{MANTIS_CLICK_ENC}}&var2={{MANTIS_CAMPAIGN_ENC}}


HTML5 Creatives

In order to track clicks properly, all outbound links must use the following format:


The second part (the destination URL), must be URL encoded using a tool like this:

So with a destination of:

The final URL to use in your HTML5 creative should be:

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