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Serving display ads by Mantis
Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago

Display banner ad units are the most popular ad type used by advertisers on the Mantis ad network. Consider serving display ads to maximize your property's earning potential when integrating with Mantis. Because advertisers prefer to bid for viewable ad impressions, it is very important that you focus on the viewability metrics of each zone you create. Ensure your property gets access to the best possible inventory available by optimizing your website/app for maximum ad viewability.

Step 1: Create and configure your ad zones

Zones are locations on your website that have been designated for serving creatives. Managing the display settings through your admin panel for each zone allows you to modify how advertisements are served on your website without the need to edit any code.

For each zone created, advertisers must specify an IAB compliant ad unit that is shown on either mobile or desktop devices. Our libraries will detect if the user is on a mobile device (excluding tablets) or desktop computer, and show the appropriate creative.

  1. Log in to your Mantis sell-side account (or sign up for a new account)

  2. Navigate to the Display tab in the left navigation, then click the Zones tab on the left navigation (as shown below)

  3. Click the Create a Zone button at the top right and follow the steps provided to set up the new ad placement

  4. Repeat step 3 for each ad placement (i.e., zone) on your website or app

Configuring display ad zones for your property

There is no single perfect way to setup ad zones. Each property’s content and website layout is unique. That said, below is a list of popular ad zones by device type to help you get started:

Sidebar ad – above fold

  • Desktop/tablet: half page ad (300×600), medium box ad (300×250)

  • Mobile: medium box ad (300×250), smartphone static wide banner (320×50)

Sidebar ad - below fold

  • Desktop/tablet: medium box ad (300×250)

  • Mobile: medium box ad (300×250), smartphone static wide banner (320×50)

In article ad

  • Desktop/tablet: leaderboard (728×90), medium box ad (300×250)

  • Mobile: medium box ad (300×250), smartphone static wide banner (320×50)

Top of page

  • Desktop/tablet: billboard (970×250), super leaderboard (970×90), leaderboard (728×90)

  • Mobile: medium box ad (300×250), smartphone static wide banner (320×50)

Footer ad

  • Desktop/tablet: leaderboard (728×90)

  • Mobile: medium box ad (300×250), smartphone static wide banner (320×50)

Note: Because leaderboards, skyscrapers, and other large banners do not show on mobile devices, it is recommended that you use a static smart phone banner (320×50) for mobile creatives [(with the zone backing up to a medium rectangle (300×250)].


Step 2: Add Mantis' Javascript code to your website

The second step to integrating with Mantis to display ads on your property is to add our Javascript code to your website or app. To accomplish this:

  1. Log in to your Mantis sell-side account (or sign up for a new account)

  2. Navigate to the Display tab in the left navigation, then click the Code tab on the left navigation (as shown below)

  3. On the Direct Tags tab, copy and paste the provided code in the bottom of your <body> tags (or after all zone tags on the page).


Step 3: Add each new zone tag to your website

To start serving ads, advertisers must place the appropriate “zone tags” in the areas of your website you wish to display the advertisements. From a technical perspective, a zone tag or ad placement is simply a HTML <DIV> tag on a webpage that specifies which zone from your inventory is being served. For example, if you configured a zone with the id “top“, your zone tag would at a minimum look like the following:

<div data-mantis-zone="top"></div>

Note: You can only use any single zone tag once per page. Using the same ad zone more than once per page will result in ads only showing in one of the desired ad zones, leaving the others empty. That’s why we recommend adding one zone per ad placement (e.g., if you have 5 ads on the page, you should have 5 zones).

To accomplish this:

  1. Log in to your Mantis sell-side account (or sign up for a new account)

  2. Navigate to the Display tab in the left navigation, then click the Zones tab on the left navigation (as shown below)

  3. On this page, scroll down to the list of zone tags. Here you should see a zone tag for every zone created in step 1. Copy and paste each zone tag, one by one, into your website’s code wherever you would like advertisements to display.

Congratulations! You should now see Mantis ads on your website.

While you're at it... let's go ahead and implement our other revenue generating platforms to maximize your earnings with us:


Not seeing our display ads on your website? Please re-read this guide and follow along step-by-step to ensure everything is set up as instructed. If you continue to experience implementation issues, please email and we'll try to help you diagnose the issue.

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