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Serving video ads by Mantis
Christine DuBois avatar
Written by Christine DuBois
Updated over a week ago

Mantis publishers can serve video ads using either of the following methods: 

  1. In-stream video (pre-roll) - In-stream video ad formats are delivered as pre-roll ads, before hosted video content on a publisher’s website, across any device

  2. Out-stream video - Out-stream video is an immersive format in which video ads play within editorial content, outside of video content, via a proprietary Mantis video ad player

How to install the in-stream video widget

Adding our in-article video widget to your website is a relatively simple process — we only require that your website already has the Mantis content recommendation widget or display advertising scripts installed.

Option 1: With Code

If you are comfortable making changes to your website code, all you have to do is add the following HTML where you would want the video to show. As long as you also have either our display or recommendation scripts installed, it should work.

<div data-mantis-video></div>

Option 2: Without Code

The simpler approach, would be to log in to your Administrative Panel and update the “Autoplay Video In-Article” setting within Settings > Video.

This setting requires you have knowledge of how CSS and HTML work through selectors.


Here is an example of a way you could implement it on a typical website...

Determine Placement

Go to your website and figure out where you would like the videos to appear. In this example, we want to show the video after the second paragraph so we select the last word in the text, Right Click then click Inspect, as shown below:

After inspecting a new dialog should appear which outlines where that paragraph is relative to all the HTML in the document. You should see something similar to this:

The goal here is to come up with a CSS selector that would match enough of your articles based on common HTML. In this case, we are assuming that most of our articles are at least two paragraphs long.

To ensure we don’t insert it after any paragraph on the page, we scope it to the nearest parent selector. Based on that, here is what we would input in the admin:

.wysiwyg *:nth-child(2)

Congratulations! You should now see video ads on your website!

While you're at it... let's go ahead and implement our other revenue generating ad units to maximize your earnings with us:

Cannot see any ads?

It is possible that due to your current location or other targeting restrictions, ads aren't available to show. To work around this for testing, you can temporarily change the property id in the Javascript called to demo. This will allow you to see example campaigns and ensure the implementation is working correctly. Note: Impressions served in demo mode do not produce earnings, so you'll want to make sure to switch back the code when you are done testing.

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